Travel safe: What to know while planning your next trip -

Travel safe: What to know while planning your next trip


22 Feb 2022

It doesn’t matter how much you’ve traveled, visiting new destinations can repeatedly take your breath away and make you appreciate humans for the wonderful beings they are. With that said, traveling safe is more than just prepping your Dopp kit.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Research your destination

Every location is different, so you need to research your destination to figure out how careful you need to be. Even if you’re traveling to a relatively safe place like Sydney or Seoul, remember that some neighborhoods are rougher than others. So, it’s always best to read a few articles from reputable sources to know what to expect.

2. Create a first aid kit

First aid kits are found in most households, and it’s recommended to take one with you while traveling. Your first aid kit should include all of the basics like disinfectant, bandages and similar elements.

Additionally, you can include a medical prescription designed specifically for you and the destinations you’re visiting. Many travelers are getting medication for things like high altitude hikes in Colorado, to motion sickness medication for cruising the Caribbean, to anti-malarials for safari in South Africa.

3. Try not to draw attention to yourself

Travelers stand out more than locals, that’s just a fact of life. But, you can still travel safely by carrying yourself in a way that doesn’t draw attention to yourself. This will help you stay out of trouble and avoid being targeted.

4. Make copies of your important documents and keep them safe

You never know when you’ll need a copy of your passport for emergency purposes. Make sure to make a copy of your important documents and keep these in good condition while you’re traveling. Remember, these are for emergency purposes so stash them somewhere safe and avoid using them unless you lose the originals.

5. Don’t trust public wifi

Public wifi is a traveler’s dream, we all know that. But cybercrime is on the rise and fraudsters are starting to target people who are only stopping by temporarily.

To travel safe, avoid trusting public wi-fi connections. In other words, if you’re going to connect to the wi-fi in a cafe, hostel or similar environment you should use a VPN. If this is not possible, you should at least avoid using your banking apps or sharing sensitive information while on these connections.

6. When possible, travel with a friend

Lastly, you should travel with a friend whenever possible! This is not necessary as countless individuals travel by themselves every year, but having a friend translates to an extra set of eyes. Plus, you’ll definitely have more fun traveling with someone you enjoy spending time with!

Planning Your Next Trip? Make Sure to Have Everything You Need

It’s normal to feel overexcited about your plans to travel, but as long as you prepare and follow the tips above, you should be able to explore new destinations without any trouble.

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