Enjoy the adventures of traveling without the stress of traveler’s diarrhea. Ciprofloxacin is an FDA-approved traveler’s diarrhea medication that battles upset stomach-causing bacteria. Stay protected with Runway Health, which offers:
Plan the fun excursions of your next vacation without worrying about interruptions from unexpected traveler’s diarrhea. Traveler’s Diarrhea (TD) is common, impacting 20-50% of vacationers, depending on the destination. It’s a digestive tract disorder that causes stomach pain, cramping, and diarrhea from harmful bacteria in food or drink.
Runway Health offers Ciprofloxacin and Azithromycin to battle this harmful bacteria so your digestive tract stays healthy and you feel your best. Use as directed, and enjoy your trip abroad.
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Ciprofloxacin typically starts working after a single dose for most traveler’s diarrhea sufferers, but should be continued as prescribed by your physician.
Ciprofloxacin is a commonly used antibiotic for relief from traveler’s diarrhea. Travelers are typically prescribed 5 tablets and instructed to take 1 tablet by mouth once per day after the onset of moderate to severe diarrhea. Start your consultation with a Runway Health physician for personalized care.
You should take Ciprofloxacin one hour before a meal or two hours after. You can take it with or without a snack.
After you complete the simple questionnaire, a physician will complete the initial review within 24 hours. If your wait time is longer, don’t hesitate to contact our support team, who can always assist you.
Runway offers travelers like you, the medications you may need before you go.